Wednesday 8 August 2012

A Monster, A Waffle House & Precarious Teacups

Day 215 of the Doodle Olympics - A little hairy jealousy monster. I wasn't feeling jealous myself, I just heard the word on a podcast. Phew! Feeling jealous is the worst!

Day 216 of the Doodle Olympics - The same podcast also mentioned a waffle house... tada!!!
Day 217 of the Doodle Olympics - I quite like those walls you see with collections of frames on them. I want one but so far I have some images but not the frames!

Day 218 of the Doodle Olympics - I was watching the finals of the gymnastics, so I've no idea why I decided to draw a spaceship, maybe it was to do with their shiny leotards!

Day 219 of the Doodle Olympics - A circle, bubble tree...

Day 220 of the Doodle Olympics - This is a bit big for a fairy house, so I decided it should be a 5* fairy hotel!

Day 221 of the Doodle Olympics - I was looking back over some showjumping footage as I doodled this, so I can only assume I was a little inspired by poles falling off and things being a little precarious.

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