Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Bear, Some Bees & Doggy Doo!

Day 187 of the Doodle Olympics - I thought I would have a break from posting small people doodles this week and go for something a little more eclectic, so here is a bear climbing a tree.

Day 188 of the Doodle Olympics - I had two images pop into my head as I was falling to sleep, so scribbled them down quickly in a notepad ready for redrawing. This was the first...

Day 189 of the Doodle Olympics - ... and this was the second... I don't know who they are.

Day 190 of the Doodle Olympics - We have been spending a fair bit of time walking alongside our local canal, and it is as though, as soon as the rain began to fall no one could be bothered to pick up their dog mess anymore. The fact is the rain doesn't wash it away very quickly, it is left there looking unsightly and ready for someone to walk in. It makes me very angry, shame on those dirty, disgusting, selfish dog walkers!

 Day 191 of the Doodle Olympics - Penguin on holiday.

Day 192 of the Doodle Olympics - I've also been doodling some ideas around the idea of flora, so here is a flower.

Day 193 of the Doodle Olympics - More flora.

Also this week... I have some more 'Kids in Costume' Paintings available on Society6

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