Saturday 2 April 2011

Hello 30s - Day 177 - 188

Day 177:New, one portion dishes, courtesy of ebay :) Now we can cook in bulk, and freeze portions, hopefully, we will waste less, and over eat less :)

Day 178:
Another Ebay find, a super cute sugar shaker, sadly it came in two in my hands, as I touched it :( Thankfully, the seller was very apologetic and nice about it, and gave me a refund :)

Day 179:
My mum has asked me to create a birthday card for her twin, so here is a scribble of a bird.

Day 180:
Eugh! Murky water! This was the point where I decided I should change the water in my sanding tray, so that I could actually see what was in there - some buttons it would seem :) The buttons and the new water are still sitting waiting for me to sort them out.

Day 181:
I had been feeling quite sorry for myself, so boyfriend bought us some chocolate brownie ice cream. It is very hard for one, to continue feeling for oneself, when they are eating chocolate brownie ice cream.

Day 182:
Polymer clay lollipops! After sanding, comes glossing!

Day 183:
We were given some lovely fresh eggs by Rob's sister-in-law, so it seemed wrong to open a tin of tomato soup for my lunch. Shame I didn't have any bread, other than bought, sliced, but it still made very yummy cinnamon french toast. I must be careful though, if I look back through this project and realise that there are as many pictures of french toast as there are of next door's cat, I know there is a problem :) I am now, also over half way in my Hello 30s project! Only 6 months to go then :)

Day 184:
Playing with polymer clay, creating some bright pastel extrusions :)

Day 185:
Simple, but effective little flowers made from slices of extrusions.

Day 186:
The card I am making for my mum. Other than the scribble I made, truth be told, I'm not entirely sure what I am doing. I am winging it a bit :)

Day 187:
Well I think it could have been better, or it could have been much, much worse. It isn't finished yet, I'm just hoping I don't mess it up completely during the next stage.

Day 188:
I took a picture for my sister. She wanted a copy of the recipe for oaty biscuits that my nan used to make. Much easier to take a picture than copy it out again :) There was a picture of some of the biscuits, in one of my earlier posts :) Feel free to give them a go, 150ºC normal oven, 130º fan. I also don't put them in for as long as it says, if you take them out earlier, they are still gooey, but cool to chewy goodness. If you put them in for the full time, they will be very crunchy. Enjoy!

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